How can you access $1,000 dental care for your child?
Find out more about the Child Dental Benefit Schedule’s $1,000 for dental health services.
What causes teeth grinding and how do I stop it?
Symptoms of teeth grinding include worn down teeth enamel, cracked teeth, headaches and jaw joint pain. Find out what causes teeth grinding and how to stop it.
Fast Facts on Flossing
Have you been brushing like a champion and wondering if flossing is really worth the effort? Get the facts on flossing, fast!
Vaping and your oral health
What is vaping and how does it affect your oral health? Find out what leading health and medical organisations have to say about vaping.
We are a registered COVIDSafe Business
We are a registered COVIDSafe business and continue to protect our staff, patients and community with additional procedures in place.
Sugar is Hiding In Plain Sight
When was the last time you checked the back of a food packet for information on sugar content? It pays to keep an eye on all food and drink products because the sugar within can be hiding in plain sight, using any number of uncommon terms. What are you looking for? On...
COVID-19 Update #2: 27 April 2020
From Monday 27th April, on the guidance of the Australian government and with the support of the Australian Dental Association (ADA), we will begin to cautiously transition from ADA's level 3 restrictions under which we have operated since 28th March, back to level 2...
COVID-19 Update #1
In a further response to the COVID-19 pandemic, from Friday 28th March dentists moved into Level 3 restrictions as set by the Australian Dental Association and mandated by the Australian Government. Under level 3 restrictions we must significantly reduce our...
Supporting our community through COVID-19
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, from 28 March 2020, our practice moved to level 3 dental treatment service restrictions. This move is mandated by the Australian Government.
What is Tooth Sensitivity and Why Do I Have it?
Ouch! Tooth sensitivity can be painful. What is it and how can you manage it?
General dentistry
Cosmetic dentistry
Other treatments
02 6331
104 Piper Street, Bathurst NSW